markocoach SLIM

Weight loss

The accent is directed at the volume reduction of the body so that during the process composition of body is changed by changing the quantity and ratio of different types of tissues. Persons of the same age, sex and height don’t have the same optimal weight. It is essential that during the analysis of optimal body weight following are included: morphological features, relations between the different types of tissue, the functional status of the organism, a genetic predisposition toward a certain relation of different types of tissues.

The aim is the volumetric reduction of body segments at the expense of adipose tissue. Biggest emphasis is on reducing thigh and pelvic belt. The program aims to activate the primary source of fat for energy during the workout. Primary mean of the workout is a fast walking technique and exercising on the floor.

Preparation of joint lasts 14 days. Sets of specific exercises, optimal dosage of load and adjusted diet that is established at this stage, provide stable working conditions. Biggest subjective change occurs to the person; one gets the feeling of power, which is directed to exercise the effective losing of body fat. Characteristic of this phase are reports in terms of reaction to a new specific workout. Pain, shooting, numbness, and cracking in the joints ... These events are indicators of organisms that respond to specific training.

Melting is a phase in which the body has adapted to exercise a very high volume and with relatively high intensity.

Along with physical changes what also happen are psychological changes in the adoption of habits, such as eating and physical activity. With such a serious approach to training, diet and daily habits, reduction of body weight in terms that I provide is certain.

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